Your Generosity
has a life-changing and eternal impact

We deeply believe that Camp matters and is powerfully used by God to change the course of lives. Everything that goes into running Camp is intentional and requires prayer and resources to run well and remain affordable. Thank you for partnering with us through prayer and financial giving. It is because of you that we can continue to grow, improve, and provide every camper with a gospel driven, transformational, crazy fun space where they can encounter Jesus.

Gospel Champions

Are our Pondo Partners who invest in the Kingdom work done here through regular giving.

These partners make it possible for Camp Pondo to keep growing, running well, and remaining affordable so that each and every student can have the opportunity to come to camp.

Our desire is that a student would never have to miss out on a camp experience because of financial reasons. Because of this reason we have officially launched The Big Red Chair Club!



The Big Red Chair Club is a united group with unique impact who will come alongside the Pondo team and offer financial and prayer support on a monthly basis while being honored as valuable partners of our ministry and all that God calls us to! 




We value your investment in this ministry and want to partner with you to see every vision of God fulfilled for this place. Our team is being stirred to dream of a deeper, further reach for the ministry of Camp Pondo, but we can’t do it without the partnership of our Pondo Fam.


Thank you for partnering with us for the advancement of the Gospel.

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